
i'm flying home in 5 hours
i haven't slept yet
probably won't
it's a strange feeling
one i can't really explain
i'm excited, but indifferent
this place that i'm going
what should be "home"
is now just a place with
ones i'm not sure i want to relive
people i'm not sure i want to be part of my life
i had a great childhood
for the most part
then you grow up
people change
friendships fade
now home is a place that makes me
hurt for the friends who have chosen to stay behind
wasting their lives
their potential
on meaningless temporary gratifications
which do nothing but ruin their chances
do people not see what's out there?
a giant world
endless opportunities
how people are content with staying
in one place
i'll never understand
life is about experiencing great things
an amazing world was created for us
don't remain stagnant
see it
enjoy it

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